A Book and A Dog

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Stephen King

The opportunity to attend an author event with Stephen King is definitely the highlight of all of the events I’ve ever attended! Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville, Kentucky hosted this spectacular event at Iroquois Park. There’s a beautiful amphitheater inside a lovely community park.

Stephen King made his entrance and talked about the book he was promoting, End of Watch, the final installment of the Bill Hodges trilogy. This was a ticketed event that included a copy of the book. Only 400 of the books were signed by King. After he concluded his talk, each participant filed on stage and received a random book from the massive stacks of books available. One could only hope to be handed a book signed by the master of horror. There were so many people in attendance, so there was quite a shuffle across the stage. I remember receiving our books and walking off the stage to the exit. I opened the book I received and of course, no signature. My husband opened the book he was handed, and because he is the luckiest person I know, the book he held in his hands was SIGNED!!

To properly conclude the evening, Carmichael’s Bookstore showed the movie, Stand By Me. We didn’t stay for the movie as we’ve seen it several times and had a long drive home. Such a perfect evening!

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