A Book and A Dog

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A Mind of Her Own (by Paula McLain)

A Mind of Her Own by Paula McLain was a free listen through my Amazon Prime membership. It’s an Amazon Original short story that I was able to listen to through my Audible membership. This is a nice short story about legendary scientist, Marie Curie. My knowledge of Ms. Curie is quite limited, so I enjoyed learning more about her.

Marie Sklodowska patiently waited and dreamed of her opportunity to move from Poland to Paris to study science at Sorborne. As an “older” student of only 25 years of age, Marie studies extremely hard and befriends a fellow woman student. She meets Pierre Currie and they enjoy engaging conversations about science. Pierre is supportive of women in the science field, they share many interests, and he falls in love with Marie. Understandably, Marie struggles with surrendering to this relationship as science is her first love and it was such a struggle to gain the opportunity to obtain an education.

This short story has a bit of everything: history, feminism, education, and romance.

Pictured is my Old Books candle, one from the Book Lover’s collection by Frostbeard Studio. I love their candles! They are a perfect addition to my reading experience.

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