A Book and A Dog

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An Elephant in My Kitchen (by Francoise Malby-Anthony)

An Elephant in My Kitchen: What the Herd Taught Me About Love, Courage and Survival by Francoise Malby-Anthony is an emotional roller coaster as it is a follow up to The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony. Lawrence Anthony’s wife, Francoise, shares stories of her life with Lawrence and how she carried on after his sudden death. She loves her South African home and is passionate about animal conservation. It’s impressive how she expanded their reserve by building a center for rhino orphans. For every heart warming story about her amazing animals, there’s a heart wrenching story of evil poachers.

Reading their books had made me love elephants even more; they are such amazing creatures! I follow Francoise on Instagram and love seeing her photos of her Thula Thula Private Game Preserve in South Africa. It would be a dream come true to visit Thula Thula.

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