A Book and A Dog

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Broken (by Karin Slaughter)

It’s nice to be back in Grant County…even if Sara Linton isn’t happy about being there. Broken, the fourth installment of the Will Trent series by Karin Slaughter, takes Sara back to Grant County for the Thanksgiving holiday. The tragic loss of her chief of police husband, Jeffrey, four years earlier, makes this an emotionally difficult return.

A young woman is found in a freezing cold lake. Was it suicide? The woman left behind a strange note, but is it a suicide note? Was she murdered? Detective Lena Adams is on the scene with the interim chief of police. As the two quickly rush to the victim’s residence in search of clues, everything begins to spiral out of control.

Dr. Sara Linton has an incredible reputation with the police of Grant County, so it’s no surprise she gets pulled into the investigation. Although, this case provides Sara an opportunity to go after Lena Adams. Sara reaches out and Will Trent is in Grant County investigating the case and trying to figure out what the local police department is trying to hide.

I love that Karin Slaughter’s novels aren’t just about solving a murder, they are deeply about the characters she has developed. The characters are evolving human beings with difficult decisions to make.

I love listening to audiobooks and Kathleen Ealy is an excellent narrator! I borrowed this one from my public library through the Libby app.

Speaking of evolving, Will Trent has grown into a television series on ABC! Below is a trailer for your viewing pleasure. All of season 1 has aired and it appears we are in store for season 2! I’m thrilled for Karin…this is an amazing accomplishment.

Lastly, you can check out my previous reviews for the Will Trent series linked below:

Fractured, Will Trent #2

Undone, Will Trent #3

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