A Book and A Dog

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Do Not Disturb (by Freida McFadden)

A few months ago, I overheard a coworker say to someone that she was exhausted because she stayed up late the previous night reading a book she couldn’t put down. Naturally, I casually inserted myself into the conversation by asking what book she had been reading. She replied that it was by Freida McFadden. I shared that I was aware of the author, who seemed popular, but I hadn’t read any of her books. After that brief interaction, Freida McFadden’s books were constantly popping up everywhere I turned. It was time for me to see what all the hype was about.

In my search to learn what books Freida has published, I discovered her website, which has a very nice presentation and is quite informative. Side note: My husband, who is an IT genius, has taught me to pay attention to things, so I know what to look for in a nice website. I quickly noticed she’s written a ton of psychological thrillers! As if her catalog isn’t impressive enough, Freida is a practicing physician specializing in brain injury! No wonder she doesn’t have time for book tours. Now I’m sold. Freida is a superhuman, and I must dive into her massive list of books. Seriously, though, you should check out her website here. She has nice FAQ lists, merchandise, and a link to an indie bookstore where she signs copies of her books. None were available when I checked, though. 

I went to Audible and added some of Freida McFadden’s books to my library. I didn’t think I could make a poor choice on where to start, so I hit play on Do Not Disturb. The story opens with Quinn Alexander having committed a serious crime. Feeling distraught and scared, she goes on the run. A snowstorm hits the New Hampshire area, and her Corolla isn’t equipped for the deteriorating road conditions. Quinn pulls into the Baxter Motel for the night. Owner, Nick Baxter, offers her a cheap room. There’s only one other guest, Greta, who has actually become a long-term resident. Nick, and his ill wife, live in a run-down house on the property. It doesn’t take long for Quinn to feel creeped out by the motel, Greta, and Nick’s wife who sits in the window watching the motel. 

After reading only one book, I’m an instant Freida fan! Initially, the story line reminded me of the original movie, Psycho, by Alfred Hitchcock. Some of you may be fans of the book Psycho, written by Robert Bloch. I never read the book, but I’ve seen the original movie, the remakes, and the television series. I love horror movies. The parallels to Psycho in Do Not Disturb are perfect! Freida doesn’t hide the fact either. She includes well-executed lines in the story that let the reader know what she’s doing is intentional. Once the Psycho theme is established, the story goes off in its own unique direction. 

The surprises kept coming. I was surprised when I didn’t expect to be surprised. Secrets were coming at me from all directions. I thought parts of the story were resolved, but I was proved wrong time and time again. Listening to the audiobook Do Not Disturb was an outstanding experience. The story was phenomenal, and the narration by Holly Adams and Daniel Thomas May was great. I can’t wait to read more Freida McFadden books!

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