A Book and A Dog

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Imagine Living (by Deborah Morgan)

This was an unexpected book to arrive on my doorstep. Quite literally! Author Deborah Morgan, reached out offering a signed copy of her book, Imagine Living. After reading the book description and praise for her work, I graciously accepted. I am so glad I did!

Imagine Living, set in 1980, follows the main character, Robyn, from her first novel, Disappearing Home. I have not yet read Disappearing Home and had no difficulty reading Imagine Living first. Robyn is a 16-year-old hard working, young woman doing her best to navigate the cards life has dealt. She is an impressive character, which makes it easy to forget her young age. Robyn works at Waterford’s Bakery and lives with her grandmother, Nan. Circumstances unexpectedly change for Robyn and she decides to be homeless rather than return to a toxic home environment with her mom.

Needless to say, making such a decision comes with many dangers and hardships. Nevertheless, Robyn is extremely strong and wise for her age. She navigates dangerous events and is awed by the kindness of the people who care about her. Her character is an inspiration. She is an excellent friend and dedicated employee. Part of Robyn’s journey includes searching for her father who has been absent from her life.

Once I had the opportunity to immerse myself into Robyn’s story, I couldn’t put the book down until I finished. There is humor amidst the tragedies and suffering. It’s an extremely heartfelt story. I love the ending and wish Robyn all the best!

A heartfelt thank you to Deborah Morgan for offering me such an incredible piece of your art. I have loved my time with Robyn.

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