A Book and A Dog

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Seed (by Ania Ahlborn)

I purchased Seed by Ania Ahlborn from Audible following a fellow reader’s review on the Litsy app. It’s narrated well by Eric G. Dove. I read horror novels anytime of the year, but I chose to read this one during the Halloween season. It is a very different horror story. Jack Winter and his family are in a bizarre car accident on the way home from their daughter’s birthday party and their lives are slowly, but dramatically changed. Jack believes he is being haunted by some unseen thing he can’t make sense of. He questions his lack of faith in a higher power and wonders if there is a devil. The story strategically switches back and forth between Jack’s present adult life and his childhood which is when he began experiencing this devil.

This is a creatively written scary story. There’s a demonic-like possession that creates so much confusion, stress, and tension for Jack Winter and his family. The devil’s interference exacerbates pre-existing problems within the family. Naturally, the family’s problems spiraled and I so badly wished for them to get relief. Of course, that’s not how these stories go. I was surprised by the turn of events and while the ending wasn’t expected or desired, I was impressed with the author’s creative writing.

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