A Book and A Dog

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The Magnolia Palace (by Fiona Davis)

I fell in love with historical fiction thanks to Fiona Davis. She’s an incredibly talented storyteller; she’s able to blend actual history with a fascinating imaginary tale. This novel of an artist’s model trying to make ends meet while grieving the unexpected loss of her mother had me immediately sucked in. Lilian meets Helen Frick and begins working in the Henry Clay Frick Mansion in New York City. Surprising opportunities unfold and Lilian is tasked with making some very challenging decisions that impact the direction of her future. The novel also tells the story of a model, 50 years later, trying to make money to care of her family back in England. There are so many parallels to these women’s lives with lessons about family, grief, and women’s independence. Excellent read!

My husband, a talented artist, created the painting pictured, Dreaming About A Life to Come. It is available by visiting www.poesoulstudio.com I think this painting pairs beautifully with this book; the Frick Mansion is a former residence home to many works of fine art.

You’re welcome to read my other book review for a Fiona Davis novel, which is linked below.

The Lions of Fifth Avenue

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