A Book and A Dog

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The Real Sherlock (by Lucinda Hawksley)

I am quite familiar with the legendary writer, Arthur Conan Doyle, and his spectacular creation of Sherlock Holmes; however, my knowledge about the man behind the infamous character was quite limited. Audible Original Podcast offered The Real Sherlock, a six-part series about Arthur Conan Doyle, as part of my subscription, and I was intrigued to learn about his personal life and the creation of Holmes. 

Arthur Conan Doyle enthusiast, Lucinda Hawksley, narrates the podcast and interviews Doyle’s descendants, who share fascinating stories and personal artifacts. I learned a lot of interesting facts about Doyle — his years in medical school inspired his characters and are where he began telling stories. He seemed to willingly accept incredible life opportunities as they were presented. For instance, he temporarily left medical school to set sail on a whaling ship as the ship’s medic. There’s an episode explaining the creation of Sherlock Holmes, and the podcast follows the journey of these books. Doyle experienced tragic losses and many achievements. The podcast also speaks of his other science fiction novels. The podcast concludes with his passing, which pulled at my heartstrings.

There’s a lot of information packed into this two-hour podcast. I recommend giving this a listen if you're interested in learning the highlights of Doyle’s life. 

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