A Book and A Dog

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When You Leave I Disappear (by David Niall Wilson)

The thing I love about horror stories is how they can creep me out and get my mind racing in a million different directions trying to figure out what’s happening. When I close the book, I can return to my relatively calm, peaceful life. But I can’t with this new novella, When You Leave I Disappear, by David Niall Wilson, because this horror story won’t leave my head! 

Bestselling author Andrea Simmons is tired of writing her popular series about an investigative journalist in the genre of romantic suspense. Her partner, Jen, encourages her to explore alternatives to ignite her creativity. Andrea performs a Google Search for ‘writing prompts,’ and what she finds is life-altering. 

This novella is outstanding in the realm of creativity. I knew very little when I started reading, and I quickly learned that I had no idea what was going to happen next as I turned each page. I’ve never read a story structured like this one. The overall novella has a story, and within it are short stories. I had to give up trying to figure out what was happening and just enjoy the ride. I’m impressed with how well everything in the story worked. A lot of people assume that the horror genre is gory. This novella is scary, freaky, and suspenseful, but it’s not gory. It’s a perfect read as we enter the spooky reading season. 

I am grateful to David Niall Wilson, who gave me the opportunity to read and review this new novella. I hope others enjoy it as much as I have.

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