Joe Hill


Imagine my surprise when I’m shopping at my local independent bookstore, Joseph-Beth, and I stubble upon a poster advertising Joe Hill’s author event! Well, you can see my excitement as my husband chose to take my picture at that very moment.

Joe made his first stop in Lexington, Kentucky while on book tour for NOS4A2. Meeting Joe for the first time was amazing! He talked about the book, his writing career, and being the son of Stephen King. He spent some time reading from NOS4A2. He then answered questions from the audience. He was gracious with his time during the signing line by personalizing books and taking pictures with readers. My husband found a picture of Joe, printed out a 5x7, and we brought it to the author event and asked Joe to sign it. He not only agreed to sign the picture, he drew horns and blacked out his teeth. It was hilarious! That picture is now framed with a prominent place in my home library.


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Neil Gaiman


Silas House