#7 From Here to the Great Unknown (by Lisa Marie Presley & Riley Keough)

Growing up, my parents were Elvis Presley fans. His albums played on the record player, and his movies were on the television. I was really young when Elvis died in 1977, but I knew how much he meant to music and my parents’ generation. It wasn’t until later that I found out about his struggles with drug addiction, which sadly led to his death.

I’ve always been familiar with Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’ only child, and I’ve kept up with her significant life updates through grocery store magazines. Like, when she married Michael Jackson?! I purchased her first album, To Whom in May Concern, back in 2003. I thought it was pretty cool that she released an album, and I was really impressed with her voice and lyrics. I remember watching the music video for ‘Lights Out’ on MTV — back when MTV was all about music videos. The lyrics for that song sparked my curiosity about her life growing up with Elvis and then losing him at such a young age. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.

I remember feeling shocked and sad when I learned of Lisa Marie’s passing in early 2023. When I found out about her memoir, From Here to the Great Unknown, I immediately placed a hold on the audiobook with my local library through the Libby app. I love that her eldest daughter, Riley Keough, finished her mom’s memoir — it definitely adds to the emotional depth of this book. The intro of the book immediately had me tearful as Riley explained that Lisa worked on this memoir for years and had such difficulty writing about herself that she asked Riley to help her finish the memoir. Tragically, Lisa died one month later. Riley talks about the tough journey of picking up where her mom left off with this book.

I absolutely adored this book! Lisa shared stories about growing up in Graceland, and even her returns to Graceland as an adult. Her relationship with her dad was amazing. This memoir covers everything from her adolescent struggles, the relationship with her mom, marriages, children, addiction, and her son’s tragic suicide. Lisa’s own death is also detailed in the book.

As Riley assessed, Lisa was working through her traumas while writing this book. Her stories mostly consist of the struggles she experienced. Riley does a fantastic job balancing the stories by ensuring that the happy moments are included in Lisa’s memoir. I appreciate this family’s willingness to be vulnerable and share their utmost personal moments. Anyone who has experienced loss, or has been touched by addiction, can relate to these two women. This was a heavy read that also had my personal losses close in mind and heart.

I’m so glad I listened to the audiobook! Julia Roberts narrates Lisa’s story, and Riley narrates from her perspective, filling in the gaps that Lisa didn’t cover. Lisa recorded stories while working on the book, and some of those recordings are included in the audiobook. It was so moving to hear Lisa’s voice.

After finishing the book, I decided to listen to some of Lisa Marie’s music. It was nice to revisit her first album. Hearing her sing ‘Lights Out’ now feels different, especially since she’s gone. I’ve included the official music video below to wrap up my review. Rest In Peace, Lisa Marie Presley.


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#8 Catch You Later (by Jessica Strawser)


#6 Death Row Welcomes You (by Steven Hale)