Equilibrium (by Kenneth “KennyFresh” Woods)

Equilibrium by Kenneth “KennyFresh” Woods is a collection of poems. Woods is a writer and spoken word artist. The first poem, Challenger Point, immediately struck a chord. Woods talks about depression and references darkness and light. Ironically, it’s been dreary and rainy for several days in my location. The day I picked up this book of poems is the first bright, sunny day in quite awhile.

Woods published this book in 2020. The second poem, 2020, motivates the reader to examine oneself at the start of a new year and appropriately challenges our missteps once the celebrations have passed. Again, perfect timing for me as we near the end of 2022. This poem is timeless.

There’s a strong theme promoting mental health in these poems. I especially appreciate the poem, How Are You Really? Woods highlights our tendency to respond with the descriptor “fine” and encourages us to find people we can be authentic about our feelings and to take the time to care for others.

The poem, Breathe, resonates with me as one who meditates and in constant awareness of the energy of my environment. There’s much motivation in this poem for faith and hope.

Each poem in this collection has a powerful message. These works of art force the reader to deeply examine themself while offering hope and inspiration. Just outside my office door, I post a motivational quote each week to inspire myself, clients, and coworkers. I definitely foresee the use of quotes from Equilibrium. As well as revisiting these thought provoking poems often.

You can learn more about Woods by visiting his website here.

By Woods, Kenneth L
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