A Book and A Dog

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T is for Trespass (by Sue Grafton)

T is for Trespass is another great installment of the Alphabet series by Sue Grafton. Kinsey Millhone’s elderly neighbor is injured during a fall prompting her and her landlord, Henry, to offer assistance and engage the help of family members. Meanwhile, a sociopath is stealing the identity of Solana Rojas so that she can work private caregiving jobs and take advantage of the elderly. So, you can see where this part of the story is heading. There’s a lot of suspense between Kinsey and Solana as the two are equally determined to achieve their goal.

Grafton also keeps readers busy with Henry’s love life. He is still getting to know Charlotte, a prominent real estate agent. Their relationship encounters some serious barriers that question the longevity of their future. While Kinsey is trying to outsmart Solana, she continues to accept more private investigator jobs. She is hired by an insurance agency to investigate people involved in a car accident. She also accepts work serving an eviction notice for a property owner. Neither job proves to be as easy as one would imagine.

It seems like the books in the Alphabet series continue to get better and better as I work my way through.

I listened to the audiobook through iBooks. The narration by Judy Kaye was well performed.

You’re welcome to read my other reviews for books by Sue Grafton, which are linked below. Also linked is the author event she participated with John Grisham.

Q is for Quarry

R is for Ricochet

S is for Silence

John Grisham in Conversation with Sue Grafton

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