Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times (by Neil Peart)
Continuing my literary journey of Neil Peart’s writing with his third book, Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times. The book picks up right where he left off…
Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road (by Neil Peart)
I’m a latecomer to the writings of Neil Peart. Just a few months ago, I learned he wrote several nonfiction books and some fiction books too. Watching interviews online, I was immediately drawn to his personality, intelligence, love of travel, and admiration of books.
The Masked Rider (by Neil Peart)
Recently, my husband and I have been listening to some of our favorite Rush songs. He then began watching YouTube videos of Neil Peart’s amazing drum performances. As you might guess, the rabbit hole of the internet led to the discovery of interviews with Neil about the books he has written. As a complete book nerd…
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