Elvis and Me (by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley)
The audiobook of Elvis and Me by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley has been sitting in my Audible library for a while. I was motivated to listen to this book after recently reading…
From Here to the Great Unknown (by Lisa Marie Presley & Riley Keough)
Growing up, my parents were Elvis Presley fans. His albums played on the record player, and his movies were on the television. I was really young when Elvis died in 1977…
Natalie Wood: The Complete Biography (by Suzanne Finstad)
Being a child during Natalie Wood’s celebrity as an actress and then her mysterious death, I was often asked if I was named after her. No, my parents did not name me after Natalie Wood; my mom said she just liked the name. Hearing the name…
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