Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (by Ruth Franklin)
I’m thrilled that Goodreads has introduced Community Favorites Challenges. While I might not always manage to…
Elvis and Me (by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley)
The audiobook of Elvis and Me by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley has been sitting in my Audible library for a while. I was motivated to listen to this book after recently reading…
Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times (by Neil Peart)
Continuing my literary journey of Neil Peart’s writing with his third book, Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times. The book picks up right where he left off…
The Drowners (by David A. Anderson)
David A. Anderson’s, The Drowners, is a creative non-fiction that follows 15-year-old Aaron through a poignant year in his life. Set in 1990’s Dublin…
Empty Your Cup (by C. Martins)
Empty Your Cup is a unique poetry collection by C. Martins. I often find poetry difficult to comprehend, but this collection is so relevant to my experiences that I was immediately impressed by the poet’s insight.
Hourglass (by C. Martins)
Hourglass is a collection of thought-provoking poems by C. Martins. I thoroughly enjoyed each poem. Her poetry is so relatable, and I could see myself in each one.
From Here to the Great Unknown (by Lisa Marie Presley & Riley Keough)
Growing up, my parents were Elvis Presley fans. His albums played on the record player, and his movies were on the television. I was really young when Elvis died in 1977…
The Friday Afternoon Club (by Griffin Dunne)
My only knowledge of Griffin Dunne, prior to reading this family memoir, was his role in the 1987 movie Who’s That Girl, starring Madonna. Growing up and well into adulthood, I have been a huge fan of Madonna’s.
Silence (by Thich Nhat Hanh)
I like to have books for personal growth in my reading rotation. It was an appropriate time for me to read about the benefits of silence and stillness in my mindfulness practice as I embark on a new adventure — retirement.
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