These Silent Woods (by Kimi Cunningham Grant)
While searching for my next audiobook in the suspense genre, I came across These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant on my wishlist. The setting of a father and daughter living in the woods with no electricity and no connection to the outside world because...
The House of Silk (by Anthony Horowitz)
I’m a fan of Anthony Horowitz and have loved both series, the Hawthorne and Horowitz, and the Susan Ryeland. I recognize the honor Horowitz was given when he was selected to write a Sherlock Holmes novel by…
The National Parks (by Dayton Duncan & Ken Burns)
I don’t recall how this book got on my radar, but I’m grateful it did. I love nature and National Parks are the embodiment of preserving our magnificent pieces of land and monuments. Listening to the audiobook…
The Gardner Heist (by Ulrich Boser)
The book, The Gardner Heist: The True Story of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft, provides a foundation of knowledge about the heist, the museum, and an extensive look into the thieves. Ulrich opens…
The Rumi Prescription (by Melody Moezzi)
This book caught my attention during an Audible sale with the name of the ancient poet, Rumi, in the title. Into my cart it went after…
Jo van Gogh-Bonger: The Woman Who Made Vincent Famous (by Hans Luijten)
I have been savoring this book since my husband gave it to me for Christmas. This book has…
The Muralist (by B.A. Shapiro)
The Muralist, by B.A. Shapiro is a lovely novel about the powerful influence of art, history of WWII, and people working to impact change in belief systems. Present day…
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