The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

I should have trusted my instinct and never purchased this book. When The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins came out, I repeatedly saw a lot of praise for this book. I didn’t think it suited my interests and avoided it for a long time. Most likely, there was an Audible sale and I decided to purchase the book because the cover was cool and the title had the word ‘library.’ I’m such a sucker, I know.

I finally started listening and soon realized I wasn’t even paying attention! I was unable to grasp what was happening because the narrator and the story could not hold my intention from the start. It was as if I picked up a book and started reading from the middle. I couldn’t get a grasp of the characters’ roles or relevance. I was able to be attentive when one of the characters, I think her name was Charlotte, manipulated some poor guy she met to break into a house with her. The character seemed evil, which gave me a really bad vibe; therefore, I decided this was a character I didn’t want to spend any more time with. I was also unable to understand the other characters.

I decided to bail after listening for a couple of hours. I wish I would have trusted my gut and avoided this book altogether. I seldom read fantasy/paranormal books. I’ve read a few that I’ve really liked, so I’m willing to keep trying the fantasy genre occasionally, but I’m not going to force myself to read something I can’t get into.

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