Undone (by Karin Slaughter)

Karin Slaughter is an impressive writer of detective stories. I have loved every single book I’ve read and Undone, the third installment of the Will Trent series, did not disappoint! I was so excited that Sara Linton’s character joined Faith Mitchell and Will Trent. Slaughter caught me up with how Sara has been coping since she last appeared in the Grant County series of novels. Faith gets some heavy news and needs to make very important decisions about her lifestyle. Trent seems to be doing the best he can managing his disability and unhealthy marriage to Angie.

Faith and Trent work to solve the most bizarre case of a woman who is hit by a car in the middle of nowhere. Upon medical inspection, it appears the woman recently escaped captivity where she was malnourished and tortured. Will she survive her injuries? Is she the only victim? Are there more women being held captive? You will just have to dive into this series to find out!

Kathleen Ealy is an excellent audiobook narrator!

I previously blogged about my experience reading Fractured. My review is linked below for your convenience.

Fractured Will Trent #2

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The Muralist (by B.A. Shapiro)


Die with Zero (by Bill Perkins)