The Last Time I Saw You (by Liv Constantine)
This is my first time reading the amazing writer duo, Liv Constantine. I love that sisters Lynne and Valerie Constantine have become a writing team, producing suspenseful stories. The Last Time I Saw You took me…
As Long As We Both Shall Live (by JoAnn Chaney)
I’m trying to be better at bailing on books I’m not that crazy about or are ‘just okay.’ It’s not my intention to be critical or discourage anyone else from reading a particular book. There’s just so many adventures…
The Crossing (by Cormac McCarthy)
I am at a season in my life where I feel drawn to books written in the past. There’s something thought-provoking about stories either written decades ago or set in a historical time period. Cormac McCarthy is an exceptional storyteller.
Blue Moon - Jack Reacher #24 (by Lee Child)
I finally made it to the final Jack Reacher installment in the series written solely by Lee Child. I remember hearing the news that Lee Child was retiring and…
Ethan Frome (by Edith Wharton)
I tend to live in a book-centered world, so when I learn of a book or author that intrigues me, I immediately conduct a search and start tagging away for future reading. I’m confident that is exactly how some of Edith Wharton’s novels…
From a Buick 8 (by Stephen King)
As I started reading From a Buick 8 by Stephen King, I couldn’t keep my mind from thinking about one of his earliest novels, Christine. These novels turn out to be quite different from one another. The Buick 8 is…
Imagine Living (by Deborah Morgan)
This was an unexpected book to arrive on my doorstep. Quite literally! Author Deborah Morgan, reached out offering a signed copy of her book, Imagine Living. After reading the book description and praise for her work, I graciously accepted. I am so glad I did!
50 Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain (by Catherine M. Pittman & Maha Zayed Hoffman)
Anxiety is such a common physical and emotional experience for humans to experience in today’s society. I hear clients complain about it multiple times a day. The more I grow in age and maturity…
Watchers (by Dean Koontz)
Dean Koontz is a favorite author. I now understand why his fans identify Watchers as a favorite novel. It has become one of my favorite Koontz novels too. This story pulled at my deepest, strongest heart string…dogs.
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