Jenny Lawson


Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville, Kentucky hosted an author event with Jenny Lawson at the Tim Faulkner Gallery to promote her adult coloring book, You Are Here: An Owner’s Manual for Dangerous Minds. The event space was pretty cool; one section had the stage with audience seating and the other half of the building was an art gallery and artist’s studios. It was pretty unique for a book event.

Jenny talked with the audience about the release of her adult coloring book. She let us know how nervous she was about public speaking and she did a great job. She was just as funny in person as she in her books.

I remember being introduced to Jenny’s book, Furiously Happy, on a podcast. I told my husband about it, he snatched it up, and quickly read it. He was constantly having LOL moments. I, of course, had to see what all of this humor was about. I loved Furiously Happy too. My husband loved Jenny’s work so much that he then read, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. I couldn’t be left out, so I read that book too. We quickly became a couple that fell in love with Jenny Lawson’s writing.

We were both equally excited to attend this event and meet her. She was absolutely wonderful! As you can tell from the pictures, the event space was super dark and made picture taking a real challenge. Oh well, it was a great experience!


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Greg Iles


Stephen King