Silas House


The early years…

I was first introduced to Silas House by my husband’s best friend who’s an avid reader. The friend told us about Silas House, a local Kentucky author, who was having an event at a small theater in Midway, Kentucky to promote his book, Eli The Good. It was such a neat experience. I remember Silas talking about his new book and his previous three books that are set in Eastern Kentucky; Clay’s Quilt, A Parchment of Leaves, and The Coal Tattoo. He answered questions from the audience and a Bluegrass band played to contribute to the ambience of the night. This was back on August 21, 2010 and I have been a devoted reader of Silas’ work ever since.

Same Sun Here

I devoured all four of Silas’ books and anxiously waited for his next book, Same Sun Here, which was published in 2012. He co-wrote this book with Neela Vaswani. Silas wrote from the perspective of a Kentucky coal miner’s son and Neela wrote in the voice of an Indian immigrant living in New York City. Both Eli The Good and Same Sun Here are classified as Young Adult.

Silas stays busy with writing and working in academia, so I have to be patient for his next book. I’ve seen him over the years in conversation with other authors; I even ran into him at the Kentucky Book Festival one year. Of course, I had to fan girl for a moment.



In June 2018, Silas’ latest novel, Southernmost, was released. I was able to snag a signed copy at a local independent bookstore, Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington, Kentucky. I loved this novel that takes place in Kentucky and Key West. I was able to attend his author event at Joseph-Beth to support the paperback release of Southernmost. I am grateful to receive one of the koozies he gave away to promote his new book. It’s always a pleasure to interact with Silas. He’s very humble, kind, and gracious with his fans. Now, it’s time for me to patiently await his next masterpiece.


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Kentucky Book Festival 2019


Delia Owens