Steven Hale

I was intrigued when I received an email advertising an author event with Steven Hale at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington, Kentucky promoting his new book, Death Row Welcomes You. I have been fascinated by the criminal justice system, specifically the criminal mind, penology, and death row since adolescence. So, when I read the title of this book, I was instantly curious. I conducted my usual research of finding the full book description and exploring social media outlets. I was quickly committed to attending this event.

When I arrived to the event, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Steven was in conversation with Tom Griffiths, a criminal defense attorney in Kentucky who specializes in murder cases. Steven’s experience as a journalist who covered executions in the state of Tennessee, and his relationships with the condemned and their visitors was fascinating. Combined with the expertise of a criminal defense attorney’s historic and current knowledge of death row in Kentucky, these two engaged in captivating discussions. Topics included how death row inmates spend their time, the lack of mental health treatment, and historic death penalty cases. Steven also read the introduction to his book, which took me back to my earliest news event that raised my awareness of people being wrongfully convicted.

I was glued to every word during this event. I appreciate Steven’s willingness to hang around after the conversation to talk with attendees and sign his book. He is incredibly humble and expressed much gratitude to the audience. It was a fantastic evening. This book has been placed on the top of my TBR pile. I can’t wait to read it!


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Shari Lapena in Conversation with Sarah Pearse