
I love treats of all kinds. I’m not very picky. I’ll try just about anything, but my heart fills with gratitude when my dad fills my red Kong with any flavor of Kong “stuff.” I’m not gonna turn down any Kong flavor, but truth be told, my favorite is peanut butter. Do you think I can get my mom to pay me in Kong “stuff” for my contributions to her blog? Feel free to leave a comment if you support this idea. It might help my case.

BTW, the toys pictured came in one of my monthly Bark Box packages. I love my Bark Box! I have millions of toys scattered all around my house! My mom “collects” books, I acquire creative, entertaining toys.

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I’m a dog, but I really think that I’m a person. My mom treats me like a person and spoils me every second of the day. I’m fine with that. 😋


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