Zen Pet Tick Tornado

As summer time approaches, it’s time for me to sometimes get ticks. My parents give me tasty treats every month that helps prevent me from getting ticks, but sometimes those pesky bugs get on me anyways. My parents used to panic and fight with the tweezers to get the whole tick off me and it wasn’t a picnic for me. Thankfully, my mom learned about the Zen Pet Tick Tornado. It’s super easy for them to use. It comes with two sizes so we’re covered for any size tick situation.

Sure enough, I got a pesky tick on my side. My mom just slid the Tick Tornado around it, twisted the tool around and pulled up at the same time, and Voila!, the tick was off me! Easy peezy! 👏 This tool is so awesome, my parents can also use it on themselves. Truth be told, my parents come into the house with ticks more often than me. 😜

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I’m a dog, but I really think that I’m a person. My mom treats me like a person and spoils me every second of the day. I’m fine with that. 😋

