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Hourglass (by C. Martins)

Hourglass is a collection of thought-provoking poems by C. Martins. I thoroughly enjoyed each poem. Her poetry is so relatable, and I could see myself in each one. It made me think about my own life and how it relates to the ideas she was exploring. In “Reflection,” the poet prompts the reader to explore how we perceive ourselves. The poem “Nostalgia” resonated with me as I have been reminiscing about past memories lately. As someone who is acutely aware of time, I found the poem “Hands on the Clock” particularly engaging. The poem, “A Lifetime in a Day,” describes me perfectly! Additionally, the poems about sleep were highly appreciated, with “Time Currency” and “Human Race” emerging as favorites.

Poetry is not a genre I frequently engage with as I often find it difficult to understand. However, C. Martins’s exceptional talent shines through in this collection, which I thoroughly enjoyed. These poems will be wonderful to revisit throughout time. I envision myself selecting a poem at a time for deeper contemplation. A recurring theme in her writing is mindfulness, which aligns with my daily meditation practice. This connection likely contributed to the profound resonance I experienced with her poems.

C. Martins also has a lovely website to showcase her poetry with beautiful photography. You can visit her website here.

I am grateful for C. Martins contacting me to read and review Hourglass. She provided me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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