Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering (by Pema Chodron)
Pema Chodron was asked to come out of her own retreat to offer a weekend retreat to a group at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, founder of…
The Buddhist on Death Row: How One Man Found Light in the Darkest Place (by David Sheff)
The Buddhist on Death Row caught my attention for two reasons; I have been studying Buddhism for the past few years and I’ve had a passion for prison work for decades.
Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living (by Pema Chodron)
Perfect timing for this book, Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living by Pema Chodron, to come up on my reading rotation. In preparation for my first meditation retreat…
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