Silence (by Thich Nhat Hanh)
I like to have books for personal growth in my reading rotation. It was an appropriate time for me to read about the benefits of silence and stillness in my mindfulness practice as I embark on a new adventure — retirement.
The Little Book of Hygge (by Meik Wiking)
I had a vague understanding of Hygge from my use of the Calm app and mindfulness practice. I wanted to learn more about it, so I added The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking to my wish list on the Libby app. Recently, I’ve noticed people posting...
Real Happiness at Work (by Sharon Salzberg)
I decided I better get my act together and read this book before I retire in a few months! Even though I love my job and my decision to retire is bittersweet, I can always benefit from more peace in the workplace. I adore Sharon Salzberg and appreciate her wisdom.
50 Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain (by Catherine M. Pittman & Maha Zayed Hoffman)
Anxiety is such a common physical and emotional experience for humans to experience in today’s society. I hear clients complain about it multiple times a day. The more I grow in age and maturity…
Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization (by Scott Barry Kaufman)
I’ve always been interested in the study of Psychology and in recent years have been focusing on personal growth. So, when I became aware of this book, Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, by Scott Barry Kaufman, I thought it was a perfect fit for me.
Do Nothing (by Celeste Headlee)
I feel misled by the title of this book, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underlining. I thought I was going to read a book offering tools and ideas on…
Joy at Work (by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein)
As a fan of Marie Kondo’s work, I have been looking forward to reading her book, Joy at Work, since it came out. Approximately three years ago…
Deepak Chopra’s Mind Body Zone: Living Outside the Box (by Deepak Chopra)
Audible brings Deepak Chopra to its members in the form of a podcast…
The Art of Happiness (by Dalai Lama XIV & Howard Cutler)
This book is artfully put together. The setting took place for one week where His Holiness The Dalai Lama was speaking in Tucson, Arizona. The book opens with Howard Cutler, M.D. describing…
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