The Nowhere Man (by Gregg Hurwitz)
The Nowhere Man is the second book in the Orphan X series by Gregg Hurwitz. After reading and loving the first book, Orphan X, I quickly bought this audiobook with my Audible membership. Evan Smoak, aka Orphan X, is performing…

The Survivor (by Gregg Hurwitz)
This book is incredibly good! I have quickly become a huge fan of Gregg Hurwitz and want to read everything he has written. The Survivor immediately surprised me with the emotional weight the story holds. I often felt physically heavy while reading about…

Orphan X (by Gregg Hurwitz)
Did I really need to add another series of books to my ever growing TBR? Of course I did! A few years ago, I read Gregg Hurwitz’s novel, They’re Watching, and I thought it was incredible! Since that time…

Blue Moon - Jack Reacher #24 (by Lee Child)
I finally made it to the final Jack Reacher installment in the series written solely by Lee Child. I remember hearing the news that Lee Child was retiring and…

Ethan Frome (by Edith Wharton)
I tend to live in a book-centered world, so when I learn of a book or author that intrigues me, I immediately conduct a search and start tagging away for future reading. I’m confident that is exactly how some of Edith Wharton’s novels…

Past Tense - Jack Reacher #23 (by Lee Child)
A rural town in New Hampshire. That’s where Jack Reacher lands for his next adventure in Past Tense, book 23, by Lee Child. Quite a few…
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