The Art of Thinking Clearly (by Rolph Dobelli)

I’ve been intrigued by the way people think since I was a very young adult. I even made a professional career out of dissecting people’s faulty thinking and teaching them how to challenge those irrational thoughts. So, I’m always interested in learning more thinking errors for my own personal growth as well as the population I serve.

Rolf Dobelli is a Swiss author who originally began his writing career as a novelist. In The Art of Thinking Clearly, Dobelli examines the cognitive biases, or thinking errors, we engage on a daily basis. I listened to the audiobook and can definitely see how a physical copy of this book would be super helpful. He identifies 99 cognitive biases in relatively short chapters. The large number of errors discussed in audio format made it difficult for me to remember them for the best application. Dobelli explains each concept thoroughly and provides understandable and relatable examples. There are times where he uses math, statistics, and probabilities to illustrate his point. Well, I have a serious aversion to anything math related. I suck at it and likely always will. So, those examples were naturally hard for me, but may be very helpful for others skilled with numbers. Overall, I enjoyed this and am glad I read it.

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Nameless Series, Seasons 1 & 2 (by Dean Koontz)


The Rockets’ Dead Glare (by Lynn Cahoon)