The Dispatcher (by John Scalzi)

This is my first John Scalzi story. I’ve known about him for years. I saw him when he provided the introduction to a Neil Gaiman event I attended ages ago. I even picked up a signed book of his years ago…you know, because it was there and I had seen him, so I figured why not buy his book??? I still haven’t read that book because I assumed I might not like the genre.

Fast forward a few years. Audible had this membership perk for awhile where each month I could pick short stories for free. One of the options was this short story by John Scalzi, The Dispatcher. So, I decided I would give Scalzi a try…investing a couple hours of my time to test out an author seemed reasonable.

I finally worked my way through my massive Audible library and listened to The Dispatcher. Wow! It’s an incredible story! The Dispatcher is a trained person who brings a person back to life after they’ve been murdered. Really, it goes way deeper than this and is super complex…as one would expect. Tony, the main dispatcher in this story, is contacted by the police to help find another dispatcher who has gone missing. The cherry on top to this reading experience is that Zachary Quinto narrates…and it’s amazing!!

I’m aware this is now a series, so it looks like I’ll be adding more John Scalzi books to my ever growing TBR!

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Lark Ascending (by Silas House)


Deepak Chopra’s Mind Body Zone: Living Outside the Box (by Deepak Chopra)