The Labyrinth of the Spirits (by Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

I purchased The Labryrinth of the Spirits by Carlos Ruiz Zafon during my first visit to the independent bookstore, The Poisoned Pen, in Scottsdale, Arizona. My copy is a numbered, signed, limited first edition that a bookseller offered me to pre-order. The bookseller noticed I added a numbered, signed, limited first edition copy of Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s The Prisoner of Heaven to the stack of books I was purchasing. I’m so grateful and honored to own this very special book. (The Poisoned Pen offers tons of signed books. I highly encourage you to sign up for their newsletter. They have an online store and will ship.)

This book is a masterpiece! The entire series has been an amazing adventure of Barcelona through such fascinating characters. I’m in awe of Carlos’ unbelievable talent to weave together so many characters over so many books and create this final installment in the series, The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, that comes together beautifully. I am grief stricken that it’s over. RIP, Carols. I’m grateful you shared your literary talents with the world.

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The Storyteller (by Jodi Picoult)