The Sentence is Death (by Anthony Horowitz)

The Sentence is Death by Anthony Horowitz is the second installment in the Hawthorne and Horowitz Mystery series. I read the first book in this series; however, I like how one could read these out of order and still understand the overall concept of each book. Horowitz does a nice job of getting the reader up to speed by summarizing what happened in the first book.

Daniel Hawthorne is a private investigator who has author Anthony Horowitz at his side writing a book about Hawthorne’s current investigation. Nothing like a good old fashion murder mystery in the style of Sherlock Holmes. The two investigate the murder of a very successful divorce attorney for celebrities. There are several people the two interview and a fairly long list of suspects. Hawthorne remains quite the guarded character and difficult to read. Horowitz is an author eager to prove himself skilled at detective work. I mean, since he writes novels in the vain of Sherlock Holmes one would think he’s pretty good at finding the killer. He does a pretty good job in my opinion. The Sentence is Death kept me guessing and entertained all the way through.

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