Hard Cash Valley (by Brian Panowich)
For a book that is filled with characters struggling to make it through life, hard core brutality, and greed, Brian Panowich delivers a beautiful story about love and loss.
The Whistler (by John Grisham)
I’ve been a fan of John Grisham since the beginning of his writing career. I vividly remember…
Confessions on the 7:45 (by Lisa Unger)
Confessions on the 7:45 is a great suspenseful, thriller! I loved listening to every minute.
Be Love Now (by Ram Dass and Rameshwar Das)
Informative and inspiring. Ram Dass and Rameshwar Das collaborated to share beautiful stories of transforming…
Poppy’s Story (by Kristina McMorris)
This book cover is amazing! If I ever thought to compile a list of books based on the covers I like best, Poppy’s Story would definitely…
All The Pretty Horses (by Cormac McCarthy)
Cormac McCarthy is one of those writers I’ve always heard great things, but just didn’t think the settings of his books would fit my taste. I figured…
City of Dreams (by Don Winslow)
Don Winslow in my mailbox! I received my signed copy of City of Dreams from…
The Conception of Terror: Tales Inspired by M.R. James
A few years ago, Audible offered a monthly selection of free short audiobooks. Since the offer was included…
Dying into Life (by Ram Dass)
Dying into Life is an incredible audiobook! Technically, it’s recordings from a Ram Dass retreat in 1982. I purchased…
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