Lisa Scottoline


My local independent bookstore, Joseph-Beth Booksellers, in Lexington, Kentucky hosted author Lisa Scottoline for her book tour for After Anna. I became an immediate fan of hers. She’s not only a very talented writer, she has the best personality! Lisa is absolutely hilarious as she told stories about her Italian family, especially Mother Mary, ex-husbands, how she bravely transitioned her professional career from lawyer to New York Times bestselling author, and of course, her fascination with Bradley Cooper. Lisa had me laughing so hard I cried. She read from her book, After Anna, and had me sucked right in to the story.

During the signing line, Lisa was extremely gracious with her time. She genuinely engaged with the readers in attendance. She laughed, joked, and complimented people. By the time I left, I felt like we were fast friends and had known each other forever. Lisa simply has a way of making people feel seen and important. While at the event, I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. By the time I got home, Lisa sent me an email asking me if I was the same Natalie who attended the event that evening. Wow! Not many people reach out like that, much less remember names of people who attended their book tour.

Of all of the author events I’ve attended, Lisa Scottoline stands out as a woman who was incredibly hilarious and treated others so graciously. I love following her on Instagram, receiving her Christmas cards with pictures of her King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, and reading her weekly Chick Wit articles. Check out her website here for all of the ways you can stay in touch with Lisa.

After Anna
By Scottoline, Lisa
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Chris Offutt


Kentucky Book Fair 2017