Rustic Heart Leather Journal (by Modest Goods)

I was on Etsy searching for a gift for a coworker/friend who is transferring out of state. I thought a journal would be perfect for her to document her future journey, or even just to display. I quickly discovered this gorgeous leather journal and wanted to learn the details. The seller is Modest Goods and the journal is called the Rustic Heart Leather Journal. It’s made of buffalo leather with a beautiful embossed heart. The thick pages are handmade of recycled cotton fiber.

A bonus is that Modest Goods is a small business based in the United States. They share their profits with families and children in need, as their donations provide meals and educational materials.

I couldn’t have been happier when the journal arrived exactly as I hoped! This journal is perfect in every way and I can’t wait to give it to my coworker/friend.

If you’re looking for a special gift for someone, this journal is ideal for every occasion. You can find Modest Goods and their amazing products in several popular shopping locations.



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