Boca Raton (by Lauren Groff)
An Amazon Original short story about a woman, Ange, finding something disturbing while performing a clean up at the beach. She then struggles…
The House We Grew Up In (by Lisa Jewell)
This was a very different type of story compared to the other book’s I’ve read by Lisa Jewell. At first…
Nine Perfect Strangers (by Liane Moriarty)
I was recently telling a coworker about a meditation retreat I’m attending soon. It’s my first retreat, btw. She asked me if it’s going to be like the meditation retreat…
The Big Dark Sky (by Dean Koontz)
Yay! Book mail! The new Dean Koontz novel has arrived!! I received…
The Magnolia Palace (by Fiona Davis)
I fell in love with historical fiction thanks to Fiona Davis. She’s an incredibly talented storyteller; she’s able to blend actual history…
Killer By Nature (by Jan Smith)
I love reading audiobooks and don’t need a fanciful narration production of characters and sound effects to be impressed. I’m perfectly satisfied with…
Seven Years in Tibet (by Heinrich Harrer)
I was aware of the movie staring Brad Pitt long before I knew it was based on a book. I still haven’t seen the movie, but as I…
Nameless Series, Seasons 1 & 2 (by Dean Koontz)
Over time, I made my way through both seasons of the Nameless series by Dean Koontz, available through…
The Art of Thinking Clearly (by Rolph Dobelli)
I’ve been intrigued by the way people think since I was a very young adult. I even made a professional career out of…
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